Creating Powerful Partnerships

Mental Health Network

Mental health

With Grace aims to spread awareness of the importance of mental health as part of overall wellness, and as part of essential life skills that can empower people to live life to their fullest potential on their own terms. In particular, we are committed to connecting mental health professionals with experience treating adolescents with adolescents across New York City. In addition to paying for the cost of therapy. 

New York City is a melting pot of diversity across race, gender, gender identity, ethnicity, and religion, among many other factors, so we aim to support experienced and passionate mental health professionals as diverse as the people we serve. Please contact us if you would like to be among the professionals we refer.

Community Partners


Community-based organizations are an invaluable part of the texture of New York City’s vast and vibrant tapestry of neighborhoods. They reflect what is unique and important to the communities they serve, and the people who work or volunteer in them are often the first to know when a family is struggling, or a kid needs help. While therapy paid for by With Grace must be requested by the child’s parent or legal guardian, community-based organizations – as trusted figures in their neighborhood, can help make the connection.

Our staff at With Grace is happy to meet with community-based organizations to talk about how we can help if someone in your community is in need.